Preparation is essential and so when I found a cracked fuel tank mounting bracket, (a casualty of the CSR a couple of years back), I went looking for a welder on Saturday morning, the day of the Derby Races not really thinking I would have much success. Wrong again! Without fuss or fanfare this rough looking young fella left the job he was on and climbed under. I don't think he spoke more than six words the whole time, just did the job, then said if I was comin' back this way to drop in and pay because the boss was away and he didn't know how much to charge. I gave him $50 and as I left, thought how much like Cobargo.
The view is from the Fish & Chips cafe as we waited for a delicious Barra Chips and Salad. The meal was good but no better than Bermi Saltwater or Taylors on Wagonga.
sounds like a norris.....