Saturday, June 25, 2011

Derby Fish & chips

Spent the say preparing for the Gibb River Road. Every serious traveller to the Kimberly aims to travel the Gibb. Some make the journey without difficulty, many more tell horrendous stories of mis adventure, ruined tyres, and broken vehicles. But regardless of it's difficulties it continues it's magnetic attraction for all serious outback travelers.

Preparation is essential and so when I found a cracked fuel tank mounting bracket, (a casualty of the CSR a couple of years back), I went looking for a welder on Saturday morning, the day of the Derby Races not really thinking I would have much success. Wrong again! Without fuss or fanfare this rough looking young fella left the job he was on and climbed under. I don't think he spoke more than six words the whole time, just did the job, then said if I was comin' back this way to drop in and pay because the boss was away and he didn't know how much to charge. I gave him $50 and as I left, thought how much like Cobargo.

The view is from the Fish & Chips cafe as we waited for a delicious Barra Chips and Salad. The meal was good but no better than Bermi Saltwater or Taylors on Wagonga.

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